bbps Primary Department Activities

Senior Department Activities


Session 2023-24





Salad Making Competition was held at our school on the 24th of April, 2022. The competition was open for 9&10 class boys.

The objective behind the competition was to inculcate healthy food habits and awareness regarding the choice of food among the youth.

The participants' creativity was revealed through the beautiful designs and patterns formed with different mouthwatering salads.

The students displayed copious types of both vegetable and fruit salads such as Watermelon Basket salad, Combo salad and many more ingenious salads using commonly available ingredients. The participants explained the specialty of their salad and also the importance of including salad in our regular diet for maintaining good health and keeping diseases at bay.




 “Don’t save what money is left after spending. Rather, only spend the money that remains after saving funds.” – Warren Buffet   

A quiz activity on “Financial Literacy” was conducted among the girls of Class IX & X on 28th April 2022 as a part of raising interest in personal finance and also to aware about the importance of financial independency. The first round included mass participation of girls. Selected students under 4 Teams – A, B, C & D played the Final round of literacy quiz on Kahoot platform.



Plantation Drive

The campaign’s main aim was to direct student’s mind in constructive activities with the positive outcome through the facilitation of contributing to the society.

The students brought various saplings .The students participated in the drive enthusiastically and helped each other in planting the saplings. All the saplings were planted in the school ground by students. The students took an oath to look after the planted saplings, plant more and more trees and encourage others to do the same. Some of the students also shared their experiences and shared their joy with others.

Such little steps taken together by the school and students will surely help in fostering strong mental and social health amongst today’s children so that they connect with their peers, their elders, their community and their environment.

Online Yoga Session



An online yoga session on the topic 'A healthy way of living' was was conducted by Mr.kukwant Singh,Yoga teacher for the students of class XI. Different Pranayama and asanas were explained to the students which would be beneficial for their mental and physical well being. It was a wonderful session which was organized by Mr.Tarsem Lal Chauhan.


प्रतिबिंब'-एकल संवाद प्रतियोगिता


कक्षा नवीं एवं दसवीं


साहित्य एवं संस्कृति की संवाहिका बाल भारती पब्लिक स्कूल, मानेसर के कक्षा नवीं एवं दसवीं के विद्यार्थियों के लिए अन्तरकक्षीय 'प्रतिबिंब'-एकल संवाद प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन किया गया। जिसमें विद्यार्थियों ने अपने प्रिय कवि/कवयित्रियों के अनुरूप वेशभूषा धारण कर अपनी भावनाओं को बखूबी उकेरा।


DATE : 21st SEP 2021 CLASS : X A, B & C


 An activity on Political Parties was conducted in Class X on 21st September’21. The objective is to make the students know about the National parties and State parties/Regional parties that exist in our country and also learn about party ideologies, symbols and leaders. Also understand the significance of political parties as the most visible institutions of the country. The students enthusiastically made symbols and represented different political parties.

Learning Outcomes:-

  • Compare and contrast political parties
  • Analyse the platforms of political parties



Class XI & XII


A country can flourish when its citizens are responsible enough to build a strong and powerful nation. We are all responsible for the protection and development of our country.

Procedure : students of XI C Humanities discussed about the fundamental duties and made the charts to display the list of fundamental duties under the guidance of political science teacher.

Learning outcomes:

Fundamental Duties remind students their duty towards their society, school and the nation. Fundamental Duties warn students against anti-national and anti-social activities.

Fundamental Duties inspire students & promote a sense of discipline and commitment among them.


Class XI & XII


A session on” Work Day of a Trauma Doctor in AIIMS “is organized on 23 July 2021and Science students from XI and XII attended this session. A video was shown to the students and it telecast the work day of Trauma doctor.

Video highlighted all the ups and downs throughout the day of a Trauma doctor. The video shown the challenges faced by a doctor and their outlook towards these problems. The video showcases their dedication toward their profession making it heartwarming for the young aspirants.

The video telecast the day of Dr. Khizar Ahmad (EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN (M.D) AIIMS. He is a senior resident in the Department of Emergency Medicine, AIIMS. So basically, he is a trauma doctor who look after at this profession as an humble profession as one bring a change in someone’s life and give them hope to live. He talked about the initial and final phase of a doctor, where in the beginning the doctor is emotional toward deaths, blood and injury but explained that the doctor develop immunity against these things once they practice it. He talked about the pressure and stress they feel throughout their day where they meet lot of patients with road accidents or sudden trauma and their relatives full of hope, seeing doctor as God. He explained how each and every second of doctor’s life is important and valuable.

Young minds motivated who are passionate and want to choose a career in medicine in future. Students realized about the importance of this profession and a much needed dedication for it. The underlying motto for the session was to motivate the youngster to work hard for their dream life. Students realized that it is truly a unique field in which one needs to put others first, medicine is truly a service and not just a profession.

The session has provided students a deep insight about the profession and has explained the beauty behind struggle.


Class XI & XII


A calendar is a tool used to mark the passing of time. People of ancient times based their calendars on the most obvious regular events they knew—the changing positions of the Sun, Moon, and stars. These calendars helped them figure out when to plant and harvest their crops. Over time different groups of people developed other calendars based on their own needs and beliefs. In this activity students of 11th and 12th class Humanities presented different period’s calendars and show the importance of calendars in human life.

Learning outcomes: Students came to know about different type of calendars.

They told exciting stories and events connected to various calendars.

Nelson Mandela International Day

Class IX & X


“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”   

An activity was conducted in Classes IX & X on 26th July 2021 as a mark of celebration for Nelson Mandela International Day. The UN celebrate Mandela day on the 18th of July to commemorate the greatest leader ever born. Nelson Mandela set an example of dedication, sacrifice and courage. Students created PPTs and presented the topic in an innovative way.

An interactive session was conducted in the class to bring out the essence of celebrating such a day and the ways through which they could contribute to this mission – Inspire change.

‘Incredible Mom’- RADIO SHOW

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         CLASS IX


Mothers are the most beautiful creation of God, they can take anyone’s place in our life but they are irreplaceable. With the changing years the role of mothers has also changed. To know about the viewpoints of our young generation we conducted an activity in class IX, ‘Incredible Mom’ some of the students imitated Radio Jockeys and rest of the students became audience from whom they asked several questions about changes in motherhood from Conventional to Modern. All the students participated with a great zeal and enthusiasm.




                POLY BAGS : Can we do without them


                          DATE  : 16-04-2021                   


A group discussion was held on April 16, 2021 for the students of class IX. The topic for the discussion was “Poly Bags’.  Students took big interest in the activity and participated with enthusiasm. They brilliantly discussed each and every point regarding the importance and drawbacks of this polymer. Also, they suggested a number of alternates for the same viz. polymers made up from cotton and jute. 

Students also suggested some biodegradable polymers like Nylon2,6  and PHBV etc.

Overall this activity brought awareness about the judicious and reduced use of such poly bags which are harmful for us and the environment.