bbps International Dimension (ISA Activity / Global Exchange Program)

International Dimension (ISA Activity / Global Exchange Program)

2022 Taiwan & India Exchange Program


Taiwan:                Doug Guang Elementary School, Kaohsiung.

India:                    Bal Bharati Public School, New Delhi.


Students from sister school introduced special clothes in their country, and talked about their functions and dressed timing.

Students from Bal Bharati Public School performed activities to study the properties and importance of Khadi in India.


Students  explained  the uses of ALOE VERA and CAROM in India.

09.05.2022 GRADE-4

Students   introduced different types of plants which grown in Taiwan and India, and talked about their characteristic and functions.



India-                    Bal Bharati Public School, Manesar

Taiwan-                                Dong Guang Elementary School, Kaohsiung


Students of Bal Bharati Public School, Manesar had an interaction with their counterparts from Dong  Guang Elementary School, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Students interacted as per given schedule

  1. 04.2022(GRADE-5)
  2. 04.2022(GRADE-4)
  3. 04.2022(GRADE-3)
  4. 04.2022(GRADE-6)

There were introductory greetings from both sides and some exchange of ideas about each other’s school atmosphere, food, festivals, musical Instruments and nearest places of tourism. Students were excited about the talk and are looking forward to further interactions.


Datong Elementary School Chiayi County, Taiwan

Bal Bharati Public School,Manesar

AGENDA-  Pre-meeting session for   teacher interaction Session



An interaction was conducted with Datong Elementary School Chiayi County, Taiwan in which they shared about how they want to proceed with the Cultural exchange programme.The teachers of Datong Elementary School shared their experiences and the topics which they would like to be included in the exchange. The details of the meeting have been shared below.

Classes Involved – 4 to 6


International Etiquettes

School life

Culture and Festivals


Plastic Reduction

Green World

The session was taken up by Ms.Romika Wadhwa and Ms.Ritu Kapoor. It was really an interactive session and we look forward to exchange our ideas with them by the coming week.

British Council

It is a British Organisation specialising in International cultural and educational opportunities. It works in over 100 countries, promoting a wider knowledge, encouraging cultural, scientific, technological and educational cooperation with the UK and changing people’s life through access to UK education, skills, qualification, culture and society.

By integrating the international dimension in our curricular and co-curricular framework, the activities of the ISA were performed with the zeal and enthusiasm of belonging to a global community. The spirit which pervaded throughout the school brought to life the maxim ‘We are the World’. Students of all classes found the activities enriching, meaningful and purposeful. With this commitment that this learning and implementation will continue year over year, we express our deepest regard for the initiators of the programme which has brought about a change in the attitudes and mind-sets of all stakeholders.