bbps manesar sport activities

Incentives for outstanding sports person

Incentives for outstanding sports person
Revised incentive scheme and admission policy at +2 for outstanding Achievers in games and sports
Category A
Any student who has represented the country at the senior, junior and sub junior in any international sports competition recognizes by the federations in the following games shall be entitled for full free-ship for one academic session. The same shall be reviewed on year to year basis.
1. Atheletics
2. Football
3. Hockey
4. Cricket
5. Basketball
6. Tennis
7. Table tennis
8. Volleyball
9. Judo
10. Skating
11. Skipping
12. Swimming
Category B
A student who has been awarded Gold Medal at the National Level Competition in any recognized game as per the list shall be eligible for 100% freeship for a period of one Academic Year. The same shall be reviewed on one year basis.
Category C
A student who has been awarded Silver Medal at the National Level Competition in any recognized game as per the list shall be eligible for 50% freeship for a period of one Academic Year. The same shall be reviewed on one year basis.
Category D
A student who has been awarded Bronze Medal at the National Level Competition in any recognized game as per the list shall be eligible for 25% freeship for a period of one Academic Year. The same shall be reviewed on one year basis.
Category E
A student who has been awarded Gold Medal at the State Level Competition in any recognized game as per the list shall be eligible for monthly scholarship @ Rs. 1000/- per month for a period of one Academic Year. The same shall be reviewed on one year basis.
Category F
A student who has been awarded Silver Medal at the State Level Competition in any recognized game as per the list shall be eligible for monthly scholarship @ Rs. 500/- per month for a period of one Academic Year. The same shall be reviewed on one year basis.
Relaxation for special achievers in sports for admission to class XI
A student who has been awarded Gold or Silver medal at the international, national and state level competitions in the recognized games shall be considered for admission to class XI with the following relaxations.
This special concession is reserved for internal students.
A student who has secured minimum 7 CGPA in class X CBSE examination shall be eligible for admission to class XI in commerce stream under sports quota.
Other incentives for special achievers:
1. Free kits up to Rs. 5000/- to the individual player
2. Relaxation in attendance for the period that the student is attending training camps or going to participate in any competition sponsored by the school
3. The school shall also provide extra support in form of remedial classes, class notes, arrangement of special examination or any other help that the child require to improve his/her performance in academics.
4. Team participating in any competition outside Delhi in a recognized competition shall be entitled to travel by AC3 tier train including Shatabdi and Rajdhani and train fare shall be borne entirely by the school.
5. School team or individual player participating in a recognized tournament in any part of the world shall be entitled for Air Travel( Economy Class) concession up to 50 %. The coach/ Manager travelling with the team shall also be entitled for 50% air travel concession. However, prior approval for participation of the team for any international competition should be obtained from the Ssecretary & Chairman of the school.
6. Team manager/ Coach travelling with the team shall be eligible for 3tier AC train. School shall bear the expenses.
7. Team member including manager shall be entitled for free refreshments maximum @ Rs 4000/- per head, participating in any local recognized sports competitions, sponsored by the school. However, the maximum amount fixed for the refreshment shall be revised every alternate year.